Setting up your domains is a fundamental step to using the Pepper platform.

To set up your domains, follow these two steps:

  1. Adding Your Domain
  2. Connecting Google Account (optional)

Linking your Google account is optional, yet it provides full access to the platform's offerings. Features marked with a πŸ”’Β icon are exclusive to those with integrated Google accounts:

<aside> βœ… Projects & Items (Idea Lab): Create, Import, or Discover Topics/Keywords.


<aside> βœ… Pepper Docs & Pepper AI: Creating content becomes a breeze with Pepper Docs and Pepper AI.


<aside> βœ… Content Gap Reports: Compare your existing content against top-ranking pages to discover content and SEO gaps.


<aside> πŸ”’ Expert Marketplace: Order content just like you buy stuff from Amazon. Reach out to us to avail of marketplace service.


<aside> πŸ”’ Analytics & ROI: Crystal clear organic search traffic value, traffic analytics, keyword position tracking, and more!


<aside> πŸ”’ Website Content Audit: Scan and analyze thousands of your domain pages to identify traffic-declining opportunities.


Setting Up Your Domain: Step-by-Step

  1. You can start by opening Organization Settings by clicking on the top right dropdown:

    Screenshot 2023-10-23 at 1.51.30β€―PM.png

  2. Once inside, navigate to the Domains tab and click on + Add a Domain


  3. This will open up a modal where you need to enter your domain URL, ****choose your target country (this helps us tailor our recommendations to that specific region), and add product or brand keywords (this helps us distinguish between organic traffic that comes from branded searches vs. non-branded ones).
