After publishing a blog, URL, or web page, it can be challenging to know where improvements are needed for better search engine performance and user engagement.

Use the Gap Report feature in Pepper Docs to analyze and identify areas in the published content that require optimization.

In this article, you will learn how to:

📈 Scan through your content

  1. You can conduct a website audit by either connecting your Google search console to the platform (Domain Refresh) or entering the links to the specific pages that you want to conduct the audit for(URL Refresh).

<aside> ❓ To know how to conduct a website audit, check out the article below:


  1. Go to Website Content Audit, and switch to URL Refresh. For URL Refresh, enter the URL of the web page you want to conduct the audit for, add the target keyword (optional), and select the country.


📄 Look at gaps and opportunities

  1. The Gap Report gives a thorough and detailed report about the content present on your website.

<aside> 💡 The Gap Report shows the current title, URL, and the keyword the platform has picked for the page. In case you need to create a report for the same page but a different keyword, change the keyword by clicking on the ‘Change Keyword’ button. You can select from the ones that are suggested or enter the keyword on your own.


  1. SEO Insights takes into account the meta title and description of the page and gives suggestions based on the length and how optimized these SEO elements are.


  2. The missing keywords and terms section shows the different keywords where competitors are ranking. These can be included in your content to tap into the traffic your competitors are currently getting. Similarly, include these terms to enrich your content.
