You can now integrate your Pepper account with your products Google Search Console and Google Analytics profiles.

This integration helps you by analyzing your website and coming up with important statistics and return on investment values of your website. With the help of this integration, you can come to know the total number of visitors, unique visitors, and total ranking keywords. It also gives you details on the top organic pages and top organic keywords of your website.

🔗 Integrate your Google account with the Pepper platform.

  1. To integrate your GSC and GA profiles with the Pepper platform, go to Organisation Settings in the Pepper dashboard.


  2. In the Admin Console, switch to Domains & Integrations.


  3. On scrolling, you will be able to see your account integrations with GSC and GA.


🤗 We’re Here For You

If you have any queries or suggestions, reach out to us at [email protected]